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Sunday 25 September 2011

Eating, eating and more eating

 Eating, eating and more eating

Well this week has not been my favourite of the year, I will mention the good bit first then I will talk about the bad.
Well to start off with I have eaten myself into a coma with all of the bad food, I do like food and I do like going out mmmmmm I have tried anywhere and everywhere, I can safely say if anyone gets the chance then head over to café rouge and have the eggs benedict……..very very tasty. There have been other places me and Alecia went to an Italian restraint in Stockton, it was beautiful so nice and well the food was good, the company was better. The last place I ate at was today at church, the kids team went to an Italian place in Newcastle, there was about 34 of us, and the amazing Richard came with us, now this guy is funny, after everyone had left he was going about eating the pizza left on peoples plates, and he just smiled with no care in the world, Adele followed suit……brilliant.  The last main thing I have done is play gears of war 3, if anyone has an Xbox get it…… simply amazing, I have really enjoyed it so far, and it has helped me keep my mind off things and keep my friends mind off things as well, that is the last part of this to where I talk about something in the bible from something during my week. This week someone I know died it was a shock and it hit me and a friend of mine, and to be honest I have not been in a good frame of mind, I have been distant in work, social and church life. All I can think off is I need to honour the memory and pray for the family. So this leads me onto what I have read in the bible this week……………………

The bible and death

This verse really comforted me this week, while there has been upset by a death this is what spoke to me.

Ecclesiastes 12:7

7 and the dust returns to the ground it came from,
   and the spirit returns to God who gave it.

This is something hard to experience in life, and me personally I have not experienced death around me until later in life, and no matter how much solace someone can bring to you, I never gets rid of the hurt, a very good friend said this to me once “it never gets better, it just gets less worse” and that is very true. Looking at this verse though we will go back to the ground when we die, when our physical bodies leave this world we will leave behind memories and influences, but our spirit will return to God. I love knowing this because just because there is an end on this earth, this is not the end we return to where we came from, this has really helped me I would not know what to do if I thought my friend would just be gone, nope he is not gone, he is with God. Really that is all I can say on this, I am no good with death I have experienced very little, and what I have has hit me very hard. But I will keep reading and I will gain a better understanding and find my own solace on this subject.

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