Other pages about my life

Tuesday 18 October 2011

The Last Few Weeks

The last few weeks 

Well I have not wrote this in the last few weeks, I have felt a bit detached from the important things in my life, but now I am back, back with a bang.

What I have done

Well nothing too interesting I was in London for 4 days at Salon International my feet hurt and I am very tired, it was a good experience. The game of the month I have been playing is one called Dark Souls (Nathan would laugh, it has dragons in it) this game is awesome, with the slogan prepare to die, this game kills you a lot, the bosses are stupid hard, and progression is tough, but the game is awesome and I cannot stop playing it when I have the time. Well the last part of what I have done is spending time with my beautiful lady, today all we did was sit and chill out, honestly I love to spend time with her anyway I can. (even if she is watching the Kardashian program)
End of eras beginning of new ones

I came to the realisation that everything comes to an end, with me this could be the different areas of my life, the things I do, for example the discipleship meetings with Michael Lewis. But from this it has been proposed by him I take my own and run with it, so bigger things are stemming from me finishing this. A very new era now is the help I am giving to one of the members of NCLC, there is me and David Coxon helping Gail, Bev and Santa with a charity they are starting. The end of my era was my student life and my degree, the new is I am able to use my knowledge to help these people progress at something so great. 

Now these people are not your everyday people, I have mentioned Santa earlier in my Blog (having her pray for you is a very opening experience) with Bev she takes on people and helps them develop and is always a massive support to others, and Gail she is amazing the trials she has been through in life and she still has the capacity to do what she does for people and start a charity…..amazing (she is even helping me with somewhere I can call home).


I was reading the book of Genesis and well this got me thinking, I have no one quote and description this time around.  This is how the story relates to me in a way.
In Genesis 39-40 Joseph is in Jail, having patience in the lord to see him through this time in his life, he also meets 2 people and asks one to remember him. Eventually this happens all it takes is patience.
Now recently I have felt imprisoned in certain areas of my life, (others are really good) and in these areas I have felt as though some people have forgotten about me. I have prayed and was lead to this book in particular, I read it and gain an understanding………….. I need to wait for these things; I need to wait for God to help me in these circumstances. Being pointed to this and reading this, I have to be patient. Good things will come; I just have to be patient.

Song Time

As usual here is a video this is an awesome song by Phil Wickham, Coming Alive 

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