Other pages about my life

Monday 19 September 2011

Its been a While

It’s Been a while

Well it’s been a while since I posted, I have been busy, and to sum it up I have been working and well travelling. So last week I went to the discipleship at Mike Lewis house, Aaron Fry led this week and wow, this was good and amazing talk on building bridges.

In the north we had the tail of a hurricane hit us, with winds of up to 80mph, this was not good places closed (including the A66 and other main roads) and in the pic below is the effects of the wind, this is my friend James and his tree that fell down, I am just so thankful it fell towards the road rather than towards his house.

For the rest of the week I have been playing Dead island (when I have had the chance) this is a zombie game and well....................awesome, I love anything to do with zombies, games, films, TV shows. (This does not include the resident evil films, games good, films pants) so yea running around chopping up zombies and running away from masses of zombies has been my relaxation. But as of Saturday I have my lady back to take up my timeJ, on Saturday I took a trip to London for the day to go get Alecia, so up at 4am train before 6am in London for 9:20am coach at 4:30pm to go home, home by 11pm. But in-between all of that I had a nice breakfast with Alecia and her aunt Denise at Cafe Rouge. Eggs Benedict for the win!!!!!!!
And while I was here I got to explore Camden market, and awesome, this place is amazing, places packed full of stuff for sale, in fact I went into a shop no bigger than my bathroom and he had the shelves full of retro 2nd hand goods, this seemed to be the norm and it was amazing. On the travel back Alecia slept most the way while I was winging I wanted a burger king, we did manage to get a KFC but they were so slow at serving that we had so scoff and run. 

So yep, this is what I have done this week, and well off out tonight for a lovely meal with Alecia She does not know where but she will be impressed


I guess the next bit I want to talk about determination and perseverance, this came about as on Sunday I saw this old man walking into town, he had two walking sticks and was walking very very slow. But this was his pace and yet he still walked, not being swayed by the face everyone was speeding past him. I see this all the time whether it be someone persevering though a storm or a disaster, or persevering through life, so like usual i read my bible and this is what it says 

Psalm 130 5-6
5 I wait for the LORD, my whole being waits,
   and in his word I put my hope.
6 I wait for the Lord
   more than watchmen wait for the morning,
   more than watchmen wait for the morning.

This verse says quite a bit to me, as watchmen will wait over night and keep look out on a city or town waiting for a surprise attack or trouble, they do this through the night and when morning comes everything is safe, they have persevered through the darkness and now there is light. While we wait for the Lord in our hard times we hope in him from his word, we wait for him, he is the morning in our lives, to bring the light where there is darkness. As through the darkness we have to keep a lookout we are tormented by what could happen, but in the light we are safe.

This next verse speaks to me on a very personal level 

Romans 5:3-4

3 Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance;
 4 perseverance, character; and character, hope. 

Through life I have found it hard, the many different situations and the many hardships I have had to face, that is life I am not the only one who has had hard times everyone has or everyone should have.
Now through this suffering we are able to persevere, with the lords help we can conquer all of our hardships, it’s the hard things in life that mould us into the people we are today, we become wise from these hard times, if it’s a hard time with money, the lord will help, and in turn we can give more to people who need it. And after we have came through the hard times we gain a bit of wisdom we are able to guide others in their way when they think they cannot persevere. We become a stronger character able to take the hits of life.  Just think on this said by me “How would we know what happiness is, if we never experience depression”

Well that’s what I have to say for this Blog this time round, I will try update again with a bit more wisdom and more of my life.  

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