Other pages about my life

Tuesday 6 September 2011

Joe Busby, Leadership and my travels

To start this off with I will mention what I have done followed by a bit of wisdom inspired by the NCLC leaders.

My Travels

Well work today, things are really starting to look good, more trips to Leeds, sorting out exhibitions and then my other work, even though my job can be stressful and fast paced, the reward I gain from my work is amazing. I was hired with no experience in working in this environment. All I was, was a guy with a University Degree and some good ideas under my belt, and from this I have been able to learn more than I ever thought I would, i was given such an opportunity and I have to thank my boss for taking me on and believing in what I can do, and the good thing is there is more to come.

Joe Busby

Well Joe Busby what can I say, this guy has been such an inspiration in my life, a good friend and the biggest impact on my road to happiness, he is the reason i am doing what I do, and the reason I am in the church I am in. This guy is my hero, he has dispelled me for a while now and every word he says makes sense to the different perspectives in my life.
and now he never ceases to surprise me, tonight on look north he was on with the most impressive T-Shirt i have ever seen...................his CV!! I have never known anyone with the balls big enough to do this.....simply amazing

this is the video from look north. recorded off my phone, so don't whinge at the quality.


Well I was at the leadership meeting last night, and well it inspired me. so reading the bible i came across this in the book of Luke. (i have been reading this one recently)

 Luke 22

24Also a dispute arose among them as to which of them was considered to be greatest.

25Jesus said to them, “The kings of the Gentiles lord it over them; and those who exercise authority over them call themselves Benefactors.

26But you are not to be like that. Instead, the greatest among you should be like the youngest, and the one who rules like the one who serves.

what this passage says to me is.........

 If i think back, when i first came to church, I saw this smiling woman stood with a plate of sweets outside the crypt in Middlesbrough (my first and favorite memory of NCLC), I later found out this was Pastor Lindsay, and through my time in NCLC Teesside I have seen Nathan and Lindsay doing the jobs I did when I first started on team, I have seen Jon Cook do the same along with our other leaders.
Now to me Nathan, Lindsay Jon, Alison and the rest of the big big leaders in our church do so much to prepare for the service and to lead us from the spot light of the stage and the mic, but its the before and the after the service when they show how good they are as leaders. they bring us up from our first steps to the time when we can bring others up as leaders, they lead by example and not by command, our NCLC  leaders are amazing.
With out these guys in church doing what they do I would not be able to lead and progress in my leadership, and I know the further I get up the ladder of leadership the further down I have to walk to bring some one else up, like our leaders I want to be great so I will go back to serving as I did once before and I serve, this is not because i have to, this is because I want to.
I have been inspired by my leaders they have lead by example and I will follow suit. age does not make the difference in the way we lead, entitlement does not make the difference, what makes the difference is what is in our heart.

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