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Sunday 4 September 2011

Recent Happenings plus Encounter

Well how do i start this one.............well Saturday was not that exiting but it was amazing! i was able to kick off an old friendship against been a while but one of my long time best friends came over to have a beer, I must admit we cannot drink like we used to (plus there is the fact i never want to be drunk) but in our older ways its nice to sit and enjoy a beer or two rather than getting plastered.  so yea re connecting over Coors (its a fine light Beer) and Doctor Who.....Epic!!!!!!!!

so well Sunday rolled about and what an amazing day, for the first time i was able to read in the kids church meeting and well this is what i read...
Psalm 127
3 Children are a heritage from the LORD,
   offspring a reward from him.
4 Like arrows in the hands of a warrior
   are children born in one’s youth.
5 Blessed is the man
   whose quiver is full of them.
They will not be put to shame
   when they contend with their opponents in court.

surprisingly what drew me to this verse was reading a comic book called the runaways and this verse was in it, so i read it and read it until i gained an understanding for it, this is what i got.

the children we lead and the children we have are the arrows, we have to guide them in the right direction, fire them to the goodness of the world, fire them to the truth, and most important, fire them to the lord. we are gods warriors and we need to keep our quiver full of these arrows and always shoot to hit the target, as with a quiver full of arrows no one can shame us as we are guiding the next generation into what god wants, we spend our time and show our wisdom, no one can persecute us when we show our arrows have hit the target.

and in saying this it could not be closer to the truth from encounter tonight, seeing the youth of the church perform and hearing stories of how much they have grown, this is all due to the previous generation...guiding the arrows.

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