Other pages about my life

Friday 9 September 2011

Scared out of my wits, and Sisterhood

Well the recent happenings in the life of me, hmm well where do I start........

Scared out of my wits

Well I am now on the road again, the first time since passing my test a few months ago, and well it went ok. for the first time i had to drive on my own, with out anyone directing me (so yea I got lost) so safe to say i was nervous, but i got to where i needed to go to, and on the way back i was fine, driving on my own was good, (I did stall 3 times on a round about haha), but this is yet again something that is to do with work. yet another amazing part of my job, it might not seem amazing to some people but i have a choice, save for a house or get a car, and house is more important so yea amazing I get to drive, all all due to this amazing job I have.

Tomorrow setting off to Newcastle to go to church on the morning and then a steak with Joe Busby, mmmmm i do like a nice steak, so well that is the happenings in my life at the moment....well with in the last couple of days.


the next part is the ridicule me and others as Christians can face from the outside world and my taking on it.

Hebrews 2:10

 10 In bringing many sons and daughters to glory, it was fitting that God, for whom and through whom everything exists, should make the pioneer of their salvation perfect through what he suffered.

11 Both the one who makes people holy and those who are made holy are of the same family. So Jesus is not ashamed to call them brothers and sisters.

This verse to me points out the suffering we can receive as Christians, whether we are brought up in gods glory or we are brought to it later in life. we do what we do as good people yet we can suffer ridicule from people who do not understand what we do and what God does for us, Jesus suffered and eventually suffered on the cross, he paid the ultimate price, but he was risen. we should learn a lesson from this, if our saviour can face ridicule and the ultimate sacrifice, then when people laugh at us and people say offensive things to us about Christianity, should we feel the ridicule? should we feel the offence? it can be hard sometimes not to get annoyed but if our saviour can face the ultimate ridicule and rise, should we not face the ridicule head on and rise above the words and rise above the hurt? just because we give our money to people who need it, because we don't have sex, because we don't get intoxicated and wake up in some random town in a random bed with a random person next to us........ the answer is no we should not feel the offence or the ridicule, instead of getting annoyed should we not try to make these people Holy, we should be looking to make these people our brothers and sisters, as all men under Christ are brothers and all women sisters...........................this leads me to the final section of this blog


Now I know I'm not a woman, but i was serving at sisterhood tonight, and sat there listening to Pastor Dee talk was amazing, she is a very insightful woman, showing us the combined age of the women there and in turn the combined wisdom in years, you know i really enjoyed it, to any man on team I would ask to serve on a night like this, if to not only hear the women talk but to gain a perspective on what they do and who they are as Christians. the women in our church are amazing, really just look at who we have and the impact they have, one woman springs to mind and that is Santa Putz, now i know random but when she is around and about people talk about how amazing it is when she prays for you, they talk about the impact she has on the church, another springs to mind..............Adele, she leads the youth of the church and in turn is my leader on kids church, she Is a primary school teacher as a job so she is bringing her work life and using it to help the church move forward......amazing. there are many more women to talk about but these two just seem to stand out to me, so I will say again to any man try to serve on one of these days it will impact you and help you look at things in a very different perspective. 

I always try to leave a video of some thing at the end of my blogs, so i will leave this, when I was at Hillsong London this song was played and WOW!!!!!!!!!!


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