Other pages about my life

Thursday 1 March 2012

A few months of being awesome

A few months of being awesome

I am back

Well I have been very busy so I have not had as much time to write this blog, so I am sorry to the 12 readers of this blog, as it gets pushed to the back of the pile, the reason for that is I am writing one cover letter a night ( or every couple) due to my job only lasting 3 months, I need to gain employment soon.

Recent goings on

So what have I been up to this month? Well to start this as per usual i will tell you what game I have been playing on my Xbox, this game is (and yet again Nathan will laugh) Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning, I don’t have much time to play it, but what I have it is awesome, run around firing magic at creatures, fighting random monsters, what more could you want from a game.

Other parts of the last two months of awesomeness have been the projects i have been working on in my current contract, as I am consulting a company through Marketing and development I have been able to impress (I hope) now I have only one month left so I will be pushing to do double what I have done already, just to leave an impact of what I can do.

All in all the last Two months have been awesome, one part of this was the discipleship group me and Mr. Aaron fry where leading, in our group we had Mario, Anth, Tim and Bart. These guys........awesome, From this both me and Aaron have been able to know these guys better, and in turn, they have been able to know each other better, becoming accountable for each other, and well everything that comes from that. Me and Aaron where able to lead this group because of the leadership from Mike Lewis, this guy took us through our first discipleship, and had set us the values we needed to go off on our own to continue with this.  This leads me to the next part of the blog........Leadership


Hebrews 13:7 New International Version (NIV)  Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith.

Well as we know in NCLC we have leaders, this is a given, but how do we follow these leaders, do we imitate them, do we emulate certain ways they lead, or do we follow without question. What we should be doing is all three, I look at Nathan Bruce, and I might not be fully there yet, but as disciple of his, I want to imitate what he says, emulate what he does and follow without questioning why. “ All I think is these guys are our leaders; they have our best interests in mind and the interests of a wider view, if I actively seek to be where my leaders are I must follow the same path they walked down.

I want to be an awesome leader with awesome disciples, so first I must follow my awesome NCLC leaders, and I have many, Nathan and Lindsay, Jon and Dee, John Cotty, Adele, Laura, Mike Lewis, and I am sure there are a few more. So even though I follow all of these people how is it I don’t become entangled in which way to go, how is it I am able to do as I do and follow all of these people without straying from one to another, this is due to this bible verse. 

1 Corinthians 11:1 (ESV)  Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ.
My leaders are imitating Christ, leading me in the same way..........through this i am imitating Christ.

Its Video time

I came across this on my travels through youtube...... Enjoy