Other pages about my life

Sunday 27 November 2011

Al Johnson, and the magic dragons

Well I haven’t written for a while, but this just means I have more to talk about……

Al Johnson

My recent happenings is that I left my previous job due to circumstances and well what can I say, Al Johnson was there when I needed to move to a new job. The job I had was going sour, and I knew it was time to move on, when I had come to that conclusion I received a text off Al wanting to know if i knew anyone who wanted a job. From that text I was able to grab a job up, Al was there for me and he employed Cat as well, he is my leader, he is my manager and he is a really good man, he was there when I needed him so I will honour him more and more as this job progresses.

Magic Dragons

Yep this is in the title, I have got the game Skyrim, (yet again Nathan will laugh) this game is so big and awesome. It is a role playing game where you have to fight dragons and well do magical stuff, this will eat my life over the next year (yes it will take me that long to play) if you have any means of playing it do so …………….awesome

Sy Rogers

What can I say, but absolutely brilliant, if you were not there then you missed out big time, the teachings from this man………., a weekend full of surprises and well some of the best teachings I have ever experienced. If I was anyone, I would get some of his dvds and cds, he is a life changing preacher.


This could be a bit controversial, but this is my blog so hey I will write about what I feel at the time.
Recently I have noticed more and more the gossiping that is happening, and I came across this at some point when mysteriously someone knew my business and they had no way of knowing this and yes due to gossip being gossip the information was distorted and taken out of context, this is not on really, and this goes for anyone who decides to talk about people out of context. 

As many of you will know, the bible speaks of this, but this is a powerful verse

Proverbs 11:12-13 (NIV)
 12 Whoever derides their neighbour has no sense,
   but the one who has understanding holds their tongue.
 13 A gossip betrays a confidence,
   but a trustworthy person keeps a secret

If you gossip about people and their lives, are people going to trust you, or will you just isolate yourself from true friends due to people not wanting to confide in you. Would you be considered a trustworthy person……….really whoever is doing this, just stop, if you cannot approach people without talking about other people, what are you doing in life that is worth hiding or not worth talking about, talk about your achievements, talk about your own interests, really no one needs to know Jamie Dunn once got a Mohawk because Puk from Glee had one, and guess no one needs to know there is a you tube video